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Elmer Birthday Party

Friday, November 8, 2013

In need of an idea for your child's next birthday party? Why not turn to their bookshelf to get inspiration from their favorite bedtime stories. For Jayda’s second birthday I decided to create a modern color-block party inspired by her favorite book Elmer the Patchwork Elephant. The book is an absolute necessity in your child's collection! It’s an inspiring tale about self image, acceptance and diversity in little kid language.

Some people may call me stingy, simply because I think of any and every way to save money, yet still do all the aesthetically pleasing home and craft projects my little heart desires. I think of myself as pretty generous, specially when it comes to giving my time and talents. That is one trait I'd like my kids to adopt. So when it came to planning this party, I HAD to hit up my two favorite stores, the dollar store (the real dollar store! NOT the one that claims to be the dollar store, yet everything they sell costs more than a dollar), and the thrift store.
My first move was to make a pinata, because no party is really a party without a pinata in our Afro Cuban household. Find out how to make him out of a six pack of beer, the full tutorial is here!

While browsing through the dollar store I happen to see these medium sized color blocked paper pails which became the party favors when stuffed with dollar store goodies.

I used an inexpensive grey bed sheet (thrift store find) as a table cloth. The toddlers participated in a painting project during the party so I wanted to use something I didn’t care about. I try to stay away from the disposable plastic tablecloths whenever possible (that is a topic for another day.)

I purchased small green square plates from the party store. (it would have been cute to use mismatched plates, I just didn’t have enough guests to buy multiple packs) Notice the repetition of the square shape.

I enjoy planting and painting with my daughter and I wanted to incorporate an exciting and useful art project that was inexpensive. I bought small clay pots and trays from Micheal’s and permanent acrylic paints. I chose permanent because if the guests wanted to use them outside, they wouldn’t have to coat the pot to seal the paint. If I did it over again, I would have used washable paint, just in case little fingers touch their little cute clothes. I also gave each guest two flower bombs (purchased on Etsy) to plant in their pot and each guest had their own paint brush.

(note: Parent involvement is a MUST when attempting to paint with toddlers.)

They could also paint a small wooden elephant if they were inspired by the story. As a final treat, they all sat down around me for story time.

I absolutely love confetti! I found paper confetti at the dollar store, yippy!

Square garland made from string and card-stock colored paper and hung from the chandelier.

Gray balloons with colored strings brought that elephant skin color into the decor. Plus, balloons are tons of fun for a two year old!

Every craftsy mom wants to be able to say that they made everything from scratch at their child's birthday parties. Let’s face it, that isn’t always the case. We happened to find this orange ombre cake at the supermarket, and this orange ombre dress at Target! Sometimes keeping your sanity means letting some things go unmade (but not uncoordinated.)

Lastly, I made a photo backdrop out of foam-board and small water balloons filled with air (warning: Use a pump for these little guys, or your cheeks will start to burn after the second one). I taped the balloons to the foam board. My only downfall was that it wasn’t big enough, definitely bigger is better in this case.


We hope you are inspired to turn your child's favorite book into their next party and don’t forget to share your creations and ideas with us!
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1 comment:

  1. Such a cute birthday party! I really enjoyed going through this blog. I even got some cute ideas for my niece’s birthday party. I am her favorite aunt and I always try to do something different for her. I have booked an outdoor event space NYC for her birthday celebration this time.


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